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Participation 2024 FB Finance Institute 16th Session Chief Practical Instructor Competition and Selection

Please vote for 2024 FB Finance Institute 16th Session Chief Practical Instructor Competition and Selection, thank you for your support!

Activity Rules

Please read the rules and regulations carefully.

Objective: To select the 16th Chief Practical Instructor of the institute, succeeding Professor Clark.
Deadline: December 24, 2024.
Voting Rules: Each supporter can cast up to two votes per day.


First Place: $10 million cash reward and honorary membership on the Institute’s Board of Trustees.
Second Place: With over 2 million votes, honorary membership on the Institute’s Advisory Committee. Supporter.
Rewards: Supporters of the winner will receive the winner's classic investment strategy and an invitation to attend this session's (the 15th session) Excellent Students' Symposium. Here, they will have the opportunity to discuss with Professor Clark and other instructors. Additionally, they will receive a one year free institutional edition of the AI4.0 investment system (valued at $1 million).

Please actively participate in the voting and support your champion!